The Prince of Portals


This post is dedicated to Michael. Happy Birthday!

I have written about the character of Robin Hood before in a post entitled The Hooded Man back in 2016 a crazy long time ago. Then I argued that the mythical figure of Robin Hood was closely linked to King Arthur and St Nicholas in addition to the Christ…The SON of GOD.

Christ was homeless and had nowhere to lay his head just like Robin Hood who had been robbed of his inheritance. Christ lived during the time of the oppressive Roman Empire who were famous for heavily taxing the people they conquered. Robin Hood was set during the time of King John who was also infamous for his high taxes. Today the ordinary people are once again being oppressed by the evil elite global empire.

The Corona Tax

Robin Hood and his Mary Men lived in Sharewood Forest in tree huts. Robin Hood and trees are treending at the minute.

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The famous sycamore tree from the movie Robin Hood Prince of Thieves was cut down by a 16yr old teenage boy allegedly. In the movie it was the scene where a teenage boy called Wulf was hiding from the Sheriff’s LAWMEN before being rescued by Robin. Funnily enough I watched the movie again last weekend for the first time in years.

Robin Returns

The actor who played Wulf was named Daniel NEWMAN or NEW regenerated DNA. In the movie Robin was helped by Morgan FREEMAN. Now Wulf was the son of Little John Robin’s right hand man. John fought with Robin and baptised him in the river just like John baptised Christ. They fought over Robin’s CROSS which belonged to HIS FATHER.

As we all know Robin’s true love was Maid Marion or Mary and as I discussed in my previous post on the legends of Robin Hood he was closely linked to the Virgin Mary.

Holy Smoke

Who is that MASKED MAN?

The sycamore tree stood right on the ancient ROMAN BORDER WALL named Hadrian’s Wall after the Roman Emperor. The same wall that kept those pesky wildlings and whitewalkers out in Game of Thrones. In that series it was manned by another John that of Jon Snow King of the North. In the series John was killed and resurrected…very Christlike.

The tree stood in the GAP like a guardian or a WATCHER ON THE WALL.

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The Masked Outlaws.

As I previously mentioned I visited Northumbria last Easter including the Holy Isle and sat on the throne at Bamburgh Castle.

The sycamore tree is also related to Christ and taxes in the Bible as it was where Matthew the TAX COLLECTOR was watching Christ approaching. Christ told him to come down and to follow him in the same way that Robin Hood called Wulf down from the tree and he also ended up being a follower.

The symbolism of a Sycamore tree suggests the tree of regeneration and transformation, the tree for the true status and stature as a member of the Body of Christ. Jesus on his way to Jericho saw Zacchaeus/Matthew sitting in a sycamore tree and understood the symbolism.

Jericho means the moon in Hebrew and it is the location of where they blew the TRUMPETS and the WALLS came down after marching in circles.

The Sun and the Moon the Alpha and Omega

Now Matthew appeared recently in a story from Ireland which the King of the North sent to me.

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Now the above story relates to fish and Christ like Robin was a fisher of men. In other words they attracted and got people to follow them. They were taught to think differently and to no longer see themselves as slaves. Matthew is also the writer of the first book of the New Testament or a new chapter or beginning.

Now as depicted in the video above sand represents time and Carlisle is a town located not far from the Robin Hood sycamore tree.

Carlisle is a gender-neutral name of Old English origin, meaning “from the protected tower,” “from the walled city,” and “The City of Luguvalium.”

You mean like the interdimensional walls of Jericho then.


Red Dawn

Right on cue the portal/gateway returns right beside me on my home beach.

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Standing 15m (49ft) high, a towering, illuminated archway has made an entrance on a resort’s beach.

Portal, a giant art installation is standing on Bournemouth Beach as part of the town’s Arts by the Sea Festival.

The eye-catching creation is lined with lights that glow and create displays.

Visitors can walk through the archway 24 hours a day from 29th Sept until 4 October.

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It was erected on Thursday the 28th an 88 and the first time you got its full effect was at SUNRISE on the 29th September that is Michael the BIRTH OF THE ARCHANGEL day.


Each time the portal is viewed, it delivers a different experience, but organisers say those making plans can ensure a magical view of the creation by visiting at sunrise or sunset.

An angel is a guardian just like the sycamore tree standing like a sentinel on the wall. Kevin Costner who played Robin Hood is famous for being a guardian.

The portal or gateway first appeared back in 2016 with the opening in London of the Temple Of Baal or PALMyra Archway.

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The original had been destroyed by ISSHISS.

I will be going to see it in person later to walk through it and take pictures.





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Killing the Serpent of Eden/Babylon

In returning to the sycamore tree in Judaism, it is the tree of life because it gives both fruit (the sycamore fig variety) and wood. In Egyptian mythology, the sun rose each morning from the sacred sycamore of turquoise that stood at the gates of heaven.

In Ancient Egypt Sycamore exists in all Egyptian districts of Delta and Upper Egypt, also in the oaises. In ancient Egypt, it is considered one of the most important and popular fruit. It was specifically regarded as a manifestation of the goddesses Nut, Isis and Hathor.

The goddess Kali manifested herself into this realm this week and she put on quite a show.

Cut me baby one more time

 Kali’s appearance is dark blue, gaunt with sunken eyes, her name means appointed time.

The goddess is stated to destroy evil in order to defend the innocent. Over time, Kali has been worshipped by devotional movements and TĂ ntric sects variously as the Divine Mother, Mother of the Universe.

Just in time for the HARVEST SUPERMOON then.

Last night I just so happened to be watching the Wheel of Time on Amazon when they opened an inter-dimensional door/portal.

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The Dragon Reborn

Earlier the only way to travel through the WAY GATE at 88mph is with a ManDelorean or the VW Van which showed up in the John Wick spin off, only this time it was the same colour of Robin Hood and his Mary Men.

Titanic DeLorean Cars 2_ Lewis.jpg

The Way Back Machine


The Mystery Machine

Robin Hood and his band of brothers and sister were fugitives living in the WILD and they were hunted and wanted by the evil empire as OUTLAWS.


Robin of LOKIsly


Right on cue this week also marks the return of another green man Loki and the theme of course is all about time and portals.

88 shades of Green

As I was parking in work on the 29th this VAN was parked in front of me. Its a car/van clue.


Finally on Thursday night the 28th 88 I traveled back in time to 1991 to see Deacon Blue in concert.

The last time I saw them was at Dundonald Ice Rink in Belfast not far from where the Delorean factory was based. They may have aged outwardly but their heavenly voices were just the same.

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